For Alumni

Kevin Warren

Dear Alumni,

Your Notre Dame Law experience offered you many opportunities to create bonds with classmates, professors, and other friends of Notre Dame. Whether you are a recent graduate or one who will be celebrating a golden anniversary, our goal is to offer you many occasions to reconnect with classmates as well as develop new relationships with other lawyers that graduated from Notre Dame. The unique thing about Notre Dame Law School is that upon graduation you join one of the most committed alumni networks in the world. In addition to the thousands of Notre Dame Law School graduates, our alumni community includes thousands more Notre Dame undergraduate lawyers. We distinctively call our community “Notre Dame Lawyers.”

The aim of the Law Alumni Office is to connect you with this amazing community of “Notre Dame Lawyers” as well as Notre Dame Law School by supporting opportunities for networking, socializing and volunteering. If you are interested in networking, join the Notre Dame Lawyer Committee in your area. These committees host events that offer chances to meet other Notre Dame Lawyers in your community! If you want to reconnect with classmates and visit campus, please join us for our Homecoming Weekend, which is held annually during a home football weekend. As you peruse the Alumni website, you will also see many opportunities to volunteer and mentor students and learn about our alumni leadership, the Notre Dame Law Association Board.

Lastly, please keep your classmates and the Notre Dame Law School community up-to-date by submitting professional accomplishments to Alumni Notes.

Go Irish!

Tammye Radke Raster ’92 J.D.
Law Alumni Program Manager

1341B Biolchini Hall of Law
Notre Dame, IN 46556


Phone: 574-631-6891

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