Special Education Clinic

Special Education Legal Fellow Veronica Webb

Faculty Director: Christina Jones

Legal Fellow: Veronica Webb

Email: NDSpecialEdClinic@nd.edu

Notre Dame’s Special Education Law Clinic serves parents of children with disabilities in the wider South Bend, Indiana area as they advocate for services, accessibility, and accommodations required for their children diagnosed with physical and mental disabilities.

The clinic provides ND Law students the opportunity to work with families to ensure their child’s access to education under the law. Law students assist parents and children who have a variety of disabilities in special education proceedings. This includes helping parents address challenges in meeting their special education students' needs, working with schools, supporting IEP implementation, participating in mediations, and providing guidance for navigating K-12 school systems.

Veronica Webb, a 2023 graduate of Notre Dame Law School, is the clinic's inaugural clinical legal fellow.

Webb, who is a licensed attorney and an occupational therapist, works closely with Professor Michael Jenuwine, a licensed attorney and a clinical psychologist, who also directs the Applied Mediation Clinic.