Ronnie Webb

Ronnie  Webb

Clinical Legal Fellow


Veronica “Ronnie” Webb is a Legal Fellow at the Clinical Law Center where she is working to develop a special education project.

Before coming to Notre Dame, Ronnie worked as an Occupational Therapist in a private pediatric sensory integration clinic in Southern California. During her time as a therapist, Ronnie witnessed many of her clients struggle to obtain special education and related services at school, despite the protections afforded them by law. She attempted to advocate for her clients but quickly recognized her limitations as a nonlawyer. Frustrated by this injustice and her own limitations, she decided to attend Notre Dame Law School so she could enforce the laws more effectively. In her capacity as the special education project’s inaugural Legal Fellow, Ronnie will provide legal advice, advocacy, and representation to local families as they navigate the special education process.

Ronnie graduated from Notre Dame Law School in 2023. While at Notre Dame she was a Polking Fellow through the deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture. She received a bachelor’s of science in occupational therapy magna cum laude and a master’s of arts in occupational therapy from the University of Southern California in 2016 and 2017 respectively.