Zachary Damir ‘24 J.D. wins 2024 Smith-Doheny Legal Ethics Writing Competition

Author: Libbey Detcher

Zachary Damir

Notre Dame Law School’s Program on Ethics, Compliance & Inclusion has announced that Zachary Damir, a recent graduate of the Notre Dame Law class of 2024, is the winner of the 2024 Smith-Doheny Legal Ethics Writing Competition.

Damir’s paper, “Expounding ‘Good Behaviour,’” analyzes judicial ethics and identifies ethical missteps that could result in judicial impeachment and removal of federal judges. The paper examines two relevant constitutional provisions through liquidation theory.

Originally from Sierra Madre, California, Damir was the executive articles editor for the Notre Dame Law Review and was a member of the Notre Dame Seventh Circuit Moot Court team. He was also involved with the Federalist Society, was a fellow for the Institute for Justice, and served as a research assistant for Professor David Wadilove.

The Smith-Doheny Legal Ethics Writing Competition is an annual contest, first started in 1997, that looks for the best papers on legal ethics among U.S. and Canadian law students. Selections are made through a blind review process and winners receive a cash prize.