Professor Derek Muller weighs in on lawsuits challenging former President Donald Trump's eligibility

Author: Jonathan Bailey

Derek Muller Headshot
ND Law Professor Derek Muller

Notre Dame Law School Professor and election law expert Derek Muller has been a go-to legal source for several media outlets covering the efforts to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the state's primary ballot, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. 

Muller spoke about the unprecedented nature of the lawsuit against Trump and the court's ruling. “This is a major and extraordinary holding from a state supreme court,” Muller wrote on the Election Law Blog. “Never in history has a presidential candidate been excluded from the ballot under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. United States Supreme Court review seems inevitable, and it exerts major pressure on the court.”

You can find all of the outlets that featured quotes from Muller and live broadcast interviews below. 

Supreme Court of the United States

Maine Secretary of State Decision 

Colorado Supreme Court Ruling

Iowa Bill Against 14th Amendment Challenges

January 6th Criminal Proceedings

Southern District of New York Trial

Broadcast Interviews

Podcast Interviews