Notre Dame Law School's ACS Chapter Wins National Programming Award

Author: Notre Dame Law School


The Notre Dame Law School American Constitution Student (ACS) Chapter has been recognized by the national American Constitution Society with an ACS Programming Award.

Programming awards are given to the strongest chapters who have conducted at least 18 substantive and compelling events during the school year. The award will be announced at the ACS National Convention on June 6-8 in Atlanta.

"The ACS Programming Award recognizes the hard work that our student leaders put into bringing numerous speakers to campus. These speakers provided an array of perspectives on legal topics in today's headlines. The Programming Award also serves as a capstone to one of the Notre Dame ACS chapter's most successful years," said Jay Tidmarsh, the Judge James J. Clynes, Jr. Professor of Law and faculty co-advisor for the ND Law ACS chapter.

This past year the Law School ACS student chapter organized or co-sponsored several events including:

  • The Shadow Docket: How SCOTUS Uses Stealth Rulings to Amass Power and Undermine the Republic
  • What Does it Mean to be a Progressive Prosecutor? w/ Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx
  • Protecting Competition in the American Economy with Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter
  • Promoting Transparency in Judicial Clerkships
  • Constitutional and Federalism Puzzles for Modern Marijuana Reforms co-sponsored with the Federalist Society
  • The Future of Democracy with Professor Anthony Michael Kreis
  • Fighting Corporate Concentration & Monopoly Power with the American Economic Liberties Project
  • Separation of Church and State
  • Should Free Exercise Confer a Right to Discriminate?
  • Explaining the ICJ Ruling on South Africa's Genocide Case Against Israel
  • Making It: Women in Litigation
  • The Palestine Exception to Free Speech
  • The Power of Campaign Money in Judicial Elections
  • Donald Trump's Ballot Eligibility
  • The State of the Supreme Court with FiveFour Podcast

Earlier this year rising third-year Notre Dame Law student Adem Osmani was selected as an American Constitution Society Next Generation Leader.