News » Faculty

Professor Paolo Carozza, “What Would You Fight For?”

p(image-right). !/assets/2056/carozza_news.jpg(carozza)! Professor Paolo Carozza was featured in a two-minute ad that was produced and aired by NBC as part of the “What Would You Fight For?” ad series.

Professors Brinig and Kelly Launch New Program in Law & Economics

p(image-right). !/assets/13129/kelly_news.jpg(Dan Kelly news)! !/assets/2194/brinig_news.jpg(brinig news)! This fall Notre Dame Law School is launching a new interdisciplinary initiative, the Notre Dame Law and Economics (NDL&E) Program. NDL&E is dedicated to...

Featured Faculty: Dan B. Kelly

p(image-right). !/assets/13129/kelly_news.jpg(Dan Kelly news)! Daniel B. Kelly is a promising scholar in property law and law and economics and has taken great strides to assist in developing the University’s law-and-economics...

Featured Faculty: Michael Kirsch

p(image-right). !/assets/24927/faculty_kirschprof_of_year_commencement_2010_news.jpg(Kirsch Prof of Year 2010 news)! Each year, Notre Dame Law School’s graduating class honors a member of the faculty with the Distinguished Professor of the Year Award. This...

Featured Faculty: Paolo Carozza

p(image-right). !/assets/2056/carozza_news.jpg(carozza)! “Understanding international law is, as a practical matter, a necessity for being a good, competent, able, creative lawyer regardless of what field of law you’re practicing in, period,”...