Senators discuss ‘Partisan Politics in the Era of Trump’ at ND Law event

Author: Notre Dame Law School

On Friday, September 28, Notre Dame Law School hosted a panel discussion titled “Partisan Politics in the Era of Trump: A Threat to our Democracy or Merely Politics as Usual?”

The panel included U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, and former U.S. Senators Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Jeff Flake of Arizona. Donnelly is a 1977 graduate of the University of Notre Dame and a 1981 graduate of the Law School.

Professor Jimmy Gurulé moderated the panel discussion.

A recording of the event is embedded below.

The event was made possible by a generous donation from the Thomas F. Fay ’61 Peace Through Law Endowment for Excellence, and was co-sponsored by the American Constitution Society, J. Reuben Clark Law Society, and the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy.