International scholars discuss constitutional law at London roundtable

Author: Denise Wager

2020 London Con Law Roundtable

A group of leading constitutional legal scholars from the United States, Great Britain, and Ireland gathered at the Notre Dame London Global Gateway on February 21, 2020 for a roundtable discussion on Constitutions, Peoples, and Sovereignty.

The roundtable centered around the discussion of six papers. For each paper, a commentator offered remarks and led a productive exchange on each article, along with a wider examination of questions surrounding constitutional law.   

Professor Jeffrey Pojanowski, who helped organize the conference, was pleased with the papers and discussions. 

“In the United States, the United Kingdom, and throughout Europe, constitutional orders are facing hard questions about democratic accountability and the proper relationship between the nation state and regional or international governance. There is no better time for us to have these conversations, and the range of viewpoints and legal traditions represented at the roundtable made for a fascinating exchange of ideas,” Pojanowski said.

Topics and presenters included:

The Unwritten Rules of Constitutional Amendment: Convention & Codification
Author: Richard Albert, University of Texas
Commentator: Maria Cahill, University College Cork 

The Unconstitutionality of the Supreme Court’s Prorogation Decision
Author: John Finnis, Notre Dame Law School, University of Oxford 
Commentator: Amy Coney Barrett, Notre Dame Law School

First Amendment Traditionalism
Author: Marc DeGirolami, St. John’s University 
Commentator: Maris Köpcke Tinturé, University of Oxford

The Testing of the Constitution 
Author: Richard Ekins, University of Oxford
Commentator: Richard Garnett, Notre Dame Law School

Reckoning with the Liberal Self: Reflections on Censorship and the Politics of Identity
Author: Margaret Martin, Western Law
Commentator: John Tasioulas, King’s College London

Are Liberal Internationalists Still Liberal?        
Author: Guglielmo Verdirame, King’s College London
Commentator: Jeffrey Pojanowski, Notre Dame Law School 

The roundtable was sponsored by Notre Dame Law School’s Program on Constitutional Structure and the Oxford Programme for the Foundations of Law and Constitutional Government.