Intellectual Property Law Symposium on Emerging Issues in IP

p(image-right). !/assets/62811/emerging_issues_in_intellectual_property_symposium_web.jpg(emerging_issues_in_intellectual_property_symposium_web)! The Notre Dame Intellectual Property Law Society presented a symposium on March 2. The program featured opening remarks by "Dean Nell Jessup Newton": and presentations on “Clean Tech...

NDLS excels at moot court competition

3Ls Ryan Raybould and Caitlin Sheffer made it to the finals and placed fifth out of 22 teams nationally at the Fifth Annual UC Davis Asylum and Refugee Law…

3Ls Excel at National Immigration Law Moot Court Competition

p(image-right). !/assets/59234/raybould_shetter_news.jpg(raybould_shetter_news)! 3Ls Ryan Raybould and Caitlin Shetter recently competed in the Fifth Annual UC Davis Asylum and Refugee Law National Moot Court Competition. Ms. Shetter and Mr. Raybould made...

Professor Rick Garnett Analyzes the Supreme Court’s Decision in Church-State Case

p(image-right). !/assets/18270/garnettr_8_08_port.jpg(Rick Garnett ND Expert)! Professor Richard W. Garnett’s "USA Today column": analyzing the Supreme Court’s landmark church-state decision in "_Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC_": was picked...

"Realizing the DREAM Act" Hosted by NDLS Program on Law and Human Development

p(image-right). !/assets/50900/cardinal_mahony_news.jpg(cardinal_mahony_news)! NDLS alum "Jessica Brock": (B.A. ’05, J.D. ’10, LLM ’11), "Professor Paolo Carozza":, and "His Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahony":, Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles, will speak on the...

Former President of Ecuador to Address Constitutional Developments

p(image-right). !/assets/47854/osvaldo_hurtado_news.jpg(osvaldo_hurtado_news)! Osvaldo Hurtado, former President of Ecuador, will speak at NDLS September 8 on “Independence of the Judiciary, Freedom of the Press and other Constitutional Developments in Ecuador.”

Biolchini Hall Dedication

Biolchini Hall Dedication: A Special Edition of the Law Library Newsletter. Through the generosity of the Biolchini family and many other great benefactors to this building project of such great...

Workshop on Adult and Non-embryonic Stem Cell Research

p(image-right). !/assets/43645/stem_cell_workshop_news.jpg(Stem Cell Workshop news)! Some of the world’s leading experts across a variety of relevant disciplines are coming to the Notre Dame Law School for a weeklong “Workshop on...

New Notre Dame Fellows Win Awards

p(image-right). !/assets/43351/alumni_fellows_program_news.jpg(Notre Dame Fellows news)! The Law School’s first Notre Dame Fellows, Jessica L. Howton of Friendswood, Texas, and Brian M. Murray of Annapolis, Maryland, accepted their awards April 25.

Prof. Snead cited in DC Circuit opinion

Prof. Carter Snead was cited by Judge Ginsburg in the D.C. Circuit opinion in the landmark judicial decision of Sherley, et al., v. Sebelius of his interpretation of the “Dickey...

Dwight King's woodworking art exhibit

p(image-right). !/assets/12821/king11_08_news.jpg(king news)! An exhibit featuring woodworking pieces created by Head Research Librarian Dwight King will be featured at the South Bend Museum of Art.