CCHR Post-doc Discusses Human Rights in Sudan

Author: Susan Good

Darfur_cchr On Monday, Sept. 15, Muthee Kiunga, a post-doctoral research associate for Notre Dame Law School’s Center for Civil and Human Rights (CCHR) will present “Beyond Darfur: Conflict and Human Rights in Southern and Eastern Sudan.” The talk begins at 12:15 in room 101 of the Law School. Faculty, students and staff are invited, and lunch will be served.

Kiunga, a Kenyan lawyer and a 2005 graduate of the LL.M program at Notre Dame, has extensive work experience on human rights issues in the Horn of Africa Region. Before joining the CCHR this summer, he was working for the UN in Southern Sudan with refugee returnees following the signing of a peace agreement that ended the long North-South civil war in Sudan. Before then, he worked with Eritrean refugees in Eastern Sudan. Kiunga also worked on refugee rights advocacy in Kenya. He will talk about his experiences working with victims of conflict in Sudan.

For more information on the Center for Civil and Human Rights, visit the CCHR web page.