Public Interest Fellowship Season Kick-Off Talk and Reception


Location: McCartan Courtroom

Create Your Own Job Through the Shaffer and Bank of America Foundation Fellowships

Shaffer Fellows, Leigh Loman and Enrique Romero and Bank of America Foundation Fellow, Jason Sethen, will speak about how they created their own public interest job opportunities through the Shaffer and BOAF Fellowships, Fellowships designed solely for NDLS students and given out every year. The fellows will be hosted at a 6:00 reception where they will discuss public interest opportunities with students while NDLS student organizations table at the event.
Followed by 6:00 reception in Eck Commons
Co-sponsored by CDO, GALILEE, WLF, PILF, Hispanic Law Students Association, Legal Voices for Children & Youth, ACS, St. Thomas More Society, and the SBA