Journal of College and University Law Symposium: Violence on Campus


Location: McCartan Courtroom

jculsymposium_sp2014 The Journal of College and University Law presents:
“Armed Violence on Campus: A Search for Solutions.”

A symposium of the intersection of armed violence, gun legislation, and mentla health issues on college and university campuses.

Thursday, March 27, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
McCartan Courtroom, Eck Hall of Law

As colleges and universities across the nation cope with the tragic consequences of armed violence on their campuses, the need for solutions has become increasingly urgent. The recent shootings at Purdue University struck close to home for many of us at Notre Dame and illustrated that the threat of armed violence is a very real concern for all campuses. It is imperative to understand this threat from all angles so that we can learn how best to prevent future tragedies.

Critical to knowing how to prevent armed violence on campus is understanding the intersection of campus-based gun legislation, student mental health concerns and the importance of threat assessments. This symposium will feature academics and practitioners from across the country who will discuss these timely and important topics. Dr. Eugene Deisinger of Virginia Tech will deliver the keynote address, providing not only his expert opinion on the issues but also his reflections from his personal experience with armed violence on campus.